Change Log

R2blog Auto post for blogger from RSS feeds.
R2blog Auto post for blogger from RSS feeds.

R2blog v1.01 
R2blog v1.02
* Double click to view the post before publish
* fixed error: Title and body of the post are not synchronous   

R2blog v1.03  Update:
*login error due to update from

R2blog v1.04  Update:
* Fixed error 'manually label' input
* Add 2 new features: Auto start and auto login and post
* Fixed error when the number of RSS feed bigger or smaller than 25 

R2blog v1.05  Update: 
* Update server, fixed key invalid
* Update right click for menu (preview, edit, set as last post)
* Edit function to edit the post

R2blog v1.06 Update:
* Update server, fixed key invalid
* RPC server for posting  

R2blog v1.1  Update: 
* Add wordpress blog posting ( R2blog 1.2
* Added post date as screenshot
* fixed error with some font encoding.  

R2blog v1.3 Update:
* Auto post feature
* Working with new editor of blogger.

R2blog v1.31 Update:
* Auto make post in random time
* Multiple blogs managements
* Content translation

R2blog v1.32 Update:
* Schedule posting (all post will be publish in schedule with random time)
* Fixed some error.

R2blog v1.33
* Check duplicated post title
* Fixed some error.

R2blog v1.34 Update:
* Content translation update
* Get post detail from summary feed sources
Demo key (0nly for version 1.04 and higher)
R2blog v1.35
* Label setting update
* Get post detail from summary feed sources
* HTML tag remove feature

R2blog v1.36
* Label setting updated
* Image SEO feature
* Key invalid error updated 

R2blog v1.38 
* Big update: Auto create backlinks for your blog (It will create backlinks by commenting on other site using your blogger account)

R2blog v1.39
* Fixed youtube video error: tag not closed
* Added Create new post and new post from files feature

R2blog v1.40
* Fixed backlinks feature
* Fixed translate feature
* Added shrink links service for and
* Increase performace of getting full content from summary RSS feed.